The Bass Kleph Blog

Music Producer Tips & Tricks

Why HAAS and other bad stereo widening techniques are ruining your mix, and what to do instead.


Stereo is a huge part of every modern song/mixdown. We all use it and listen to it every day.

However, not many people know that using the wrong kind of stereo widening techniques can severely damage your song.

Techniques such as HAAS effect, Mid Side, Frequency Shifter, pitch shifting and even chorus (if used incorrectly) can cause huge problems in your mixdown. There are even some expensive 3rd party plugins that cause problems right out of the box.

These stereo widening techniques may give you a wide sound, but they have bad mono compatibility, and phase issues.

So, when summed to mono, this can make your song sound soft, mushy, distant, lose punch and lose bass.

This could be happening right now and if so, it's not your fault. You've just been taught the wrong techniques.

That's why I made this free video lesson, and why I made the plugin i demonstrate in the video.

Get Easy Stereo NOW


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Bass Kleph presets for Native Instruments Massive

I know a few of you have been asking me about this for a while, and I love to give you guys what you want.

So, here's a pack of 125 of my favorite Massive patches that I've made for Bass Kleph and TAISUN.

You may recognize a few of them from my records. There are loads of Bass sounds, some Leads, FX, Synths, Pads, and many more!

Check out the audio previews below now!


Massive Sounds includes 125 Sounds! Here's the breakdown:

64 Bass Sounds, 22 Lead Sounds, 17 EFX Sounds, 15 Synth Sounds, 4 Pluck Sounds, 1 Pad Sound, 1 Chord Sound, 1 Brass Sound.

Not sure?

Download one of my FREE Massive patches here first

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Free Download 535,000 plays! and counting :)


If you don't know, I started a new alias back in December 2015 called TAISUN. It's been off to an amazing start! One of the tracks is already up to 250k plays!!! Better yet, It's a Free Download too. (link at the bottom)

It is an unofficial remix I did of Justin Timberlake's "Señorita". I got the idea from DJing. There's a cool part in the break of the song that I used to mix over techno records back in 2008. It says "It feels like something's heating up" etc (you know the original song I'm sure). Perfect Driver Records had just signed my first EP (which you can get here) and they asked if I could do some pre-promotion by making a bootleg for a giveaway. I thought it was about time I made that Señorita loop into a full bootleg/remix.

It had to sound like TAISUN. The TAISUN sound is Jackin Bass House. So I pulled out Maschine and started cutting up samples from the original left and right. The drums and bass sounds are actually taken from another TAISUN song called "Get It", but it's ...

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Easy Wash Out. Free Download Ableton Plugin

Make buildups in 5 seconds! This Ableton macro plugin will do all your build up automation with one simple knob. 



This is a plugin to simplify buildups in music production. It has one knob. You turn it, and it does many things at once. Mainly, it washes things out. It gradually applies a high pass filter, reverb, grain delay, filter delay, compression, and a few other things. On top of this, when you have the knob on zero, it bypasses all these effects to keep your signal path clean and CPU light. As soon as you start to turn it, it engages the plugins. This thing is an Ableton macro plugin, made from standard built-in, Ableton Live plugins. It only works in Ableton Live. Anyone could have made this. I am not a coder. It's just a very handy FX preset, but......very handy.


I found I was often doing these same things over and over again each time I was programming a build up. So to save time, I built a macro plugin ...

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