The Bass Kleph Blog

Music Producer Tips & Tricks

How To Become A Successful Music Producer

Everyone has their own definition of success, and there are many ways to get there.

I suppose the best way for me to start this post would be to tell you the story of...

How I Became A Successful Dj And Producer

Hopefully, my story will inspire you, and you will choose to attack your music goals with more enthusiasm than you've felt in a whileā€¦

...because while the music industry is more competitive than ever, I'm living proof that it IS possible to make it work, and to succeed on an international levelā€¦ and I want to help you do the same.

So let's get into this story...

As some of you may know, Iā€™ve been doing this since 2001.

In that time, Iā€™ve been lucky enough to tour and perform in over 33 countries! Including USA, UK, Australia, Germany, China, and even some lesser visited places like South Africa, India, & Kazakhstan!

Iā€™ve had two #1 records on the front page of Beatport (the biggest dance music store in the world at the time) & one of those times I held down another top ten s
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Free Download 535,000 plays! and counting :)


If you don't know, I started a new alias back in December 2015 called TAISUN. It's been off to an amazing start! One of the tracks is already up to 250k plays!!! Better yet, It's a Free Download too. (link at the bottom)

It is an unofficial remix I did of Justin Timberlake's "SeƱorita". I got the idea from DJing. There's a cool part in the break of the song that I used to mix over techno records back in 2008. It says "It feels like something's heating up" etc (you know the original song I'm sure). Perfect Driver Records had just signed my first EP (which you can get here) and they asked if I could do some pre-promotion by making a bootleg for a giveaway. I thought it was about time I made that SeƱorita loop into a full bootleg/remix.

It had to sound like TAISUN. The TAISUN sound is Jackin Bass House. So I pulled out Maschine and started cutting up samples from the original left and right. The drums and bass sounds are actually taken from another TAISUN song called "Get It", but it's ...

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