What's really preventing you from mastering your Mixdowns?


Unlock The Pro Sound Of Your Dreams,

So You Can Attract Labels, Fans,

And Release Your Music With Confidence!

 If you’re tired of wasting hours on poor tutorials and struggling to get your mixes to sound professional, this is your chance to FINALLY unlock the pro sound of your dreams—fast. Skip the guesswork and get the clear, reliable techniques you need to mix down your tracks to perfection, so you can attract labels, fans, and release your music with confidence.


Record Labels I've Signed To:


I get it. There’s so much to learn—so many techniques, plugins, and tutorials—but none of it seems to be bringing you closer to that pro-level sound and music career you’re chasing.

You’ve probably already put in a lot of work and time. You’ve worked hard on your tracks, —watched hundreds of tutorials, maybe courses too and yet, what are you left with?

A lot of disjointed info, a ton of tools, and micro-tips, but NOT the results you’re after. Your mixes still don’t sound professional.

Maybe some of these sound familiar:

 • Your mixes lack clarity or balance, and you’re not sure why.

 • You don’t feel confident when you compare your tracks to your favorite artists.

 • You’re hesitant to release your music because it just doesn’t sound right.

 • Sending your songs to labels results in silence—no replies, no signings.

 • Your tracks fall flat on platforms like Spotify or in different listening environments.

Does any of this sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone.

The Truth Is...

Most producers are working on 95% of the things that don’t move the needle. The key to mastering your mixdowns isn’t more plugins, complexity,  or more time—it’s focusing on the right techniques that actually make the BIG difference.

You see, there’s sooooo much misinformation out there. Youtube is an echo chamber, and so many courses don't truly understand your genre, or electronic music in general.

You’re not alone.

Every music producer has been there—feeling frustrated, doubting their talent, and asking, “What am I doing wrong?” It’s not your creativity that’s holding you back; it’s the mixdown. That’s the difference between a track that gets skipped and one that stands out on a playlist or gets signed by a label.

Imagine this instead:

You hit “play” and hear your track sounding crystal clear, punchy, and polished—just like the pro releases you admire. You’re confident, knowing your mixdown isn’t just good; it’s great! Labels start noticing. DJs want to spin your tracks. Fans hit replay. And for the first time, you feel proud to share your music with the world.

Sounds pretty good right?

Many of my students come to me after wasting time on bad advice or overly complicated processes. They’re blown away when they learn the real techniques that work—techniques that are faster, simpler, and more effective than what they’ve ever been taught.

Even compared to some of the so called "top audio engineering schools" in the world. 

I’m here to flip everything you thought you knew about mixing on its head, and help you focus on what really matters to get the pro sound you’ve been chasing!

If Any Of This Resonates With You,

Then It’s Time To Make A Change.

Those problems I listed are all symptoms of one key issue: your mixdowns aren’t where they need to be. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been producing for a while, the quality of your mixdown can make or break your tracks, and your music career.

Instead Of Trying To Guess Your Way To The Perfect Mix...

...I’ll show you the framework that ties everything together—the plan that helps you use your skills, create a repeatable workflow, and gain feedback from a community, all leading to the pro sound you’ve been aiming for.

I’ll help you create a system that works for you!

That’s what Pro Sound Secrets is all about!

A ‘Pro Sound’ is Built on 4 Key Elements:

A pro-level mix is one that leverages Knowledge & Skills, maximizes your Speed & Efficiency, benefits from Feedback & Community Support, and ensures Consistency & Repeatability.

When you bring all four of these elements together, you hit the sweet spot—where mixing becomes second nature and your tracks consistently sound professional. This is where your sound finally matches your vision.

When you do this, your mixdown process becomes smoother, faster, and more enjoyable. Mixing doesn’t have to be a struggle anymore. You can finally achieve that pro sound and be proud of every track you release!

How I Mastered My Pro Sound and Became a Professional Music Producer & DJ

Ever since I was young, I’ve had a deep love for creating music. But after years of experimenting in the studio, I still wasn’t getting the pro sound I was hearing from my favorite artists.

Like many producers, I felt frustrated—I was putting in the time, learning all the tools, but my tracks still weren’t sounding release-ready. I was constantly searching for that magic formula to make my mixes sound as good as the professionals.

From Frustration to Professional Sound!

I didn’t stop. I knew there had to be a way to unlock the pro sound I was chasing. So, I dove deeper into understanding the craft of mixdowns: not just how the tools worked, but why and when to use them.

I spent years mastering the core principles of mixing—things like EQ, compression, volume balance, and spatial arrangement—until I could consistently create that clean, powerful, and polished sound.

The Game Changer!

When I finally cracked the code and started applying the right techniques, in the right way, and in the right order,  everything changed. My tracks started to sound professional enough to get the attention of major labels, and that’s when I started signing records, growing my followers, and touring the world as a full-time music producer.

This wasn’t luck. It was the result of mastering a repeatable system—a workflow that allowed me to produce pro-quality mixes every time, without the guesswork.

And The Rest Was History...

How to Focus on the Key Techniques

That Generate 95% of Your Pro Sound!

The Pro Sound Pyramid gives you the clarity and focus to create the results you’ve been working toward. Each layer builds on the previous one, guiding you toward mastering your mixdowns, creating a repeatable system, and achieving that professional, release-ready sound. And I want to show you how to use it!


Foundations of Sonic Mastery

The essential knowledge and core techniques—like EQ, compression, and volume balance—alongside advanced tools such as stereo imaging and automation. This is the bedrock of your success.


The Fastlane Formula

A streamlined workflow that gets results quickly and efficiently, so you can save time and avoid endless tweaking, all while maximizing your productivity.


Guided Confidence

Expert insight and community support to refine your sound, ensuring you move forward with assurance. Personalized guidance and group learning help you gain confidence and momentum as you progress.


Effortless Consistency

A system designed to deliver pro-level sound across any track and every mix you work on, time after time. This layer is about building a reliable process that becomes second nature.


Pro Sound Mastery

Your ultimate goal: a mix that sounds professional, polished, and ready for release on any platform.


No matter which phase of your mixdown journey you’re in right now, I want to help you master all 4 Phases of achieving a professional sound.

If you’re ready to graduate from struggling with mixdowns and move beyond the guesswork and frustration…

Then I can help.

After years of touring the world as a professional DJ and producer, and working behind the scenes with other artists to perfect their sound, I developed a methodology and framework that will give you the clarity to focus on the RIGHT techniques and finally achieve the results you’ve been chasing.


Pro Sound Secrets is a complete system designed to solve the exact problems holding you back from achieving a professional sound. It’s the culmination of decades of experience as a professional music producer with #1 hits on major labels, and over 6 years successfully training thousands of students, all distilled into a process that helps you unlock your own pro sound.

This isn’t about wasting hours on guesswork, long poorly explained and overly complex tutorials, or learning techniques that don’t move the needle. Pro Sound Secrets focuses on the 5% of techniques that drive 95% of your mixdown success, saving you time and eliminating frustration.

With Pro Sound Secrets, you’ll get:

  • A clear, step-by-step process that teaches you the techniques that matter most.
  • A streamlined workflow that removes confusion, giving you the clarity and confidence to release tracks that stand up to any pro mix.
  • Expert feedback, helping you gain the skills and confidence to release music that sounds polished and professional.

This system is designed to help you:

  • Master your mixdowns using proven techniques.
  • Gain the confidence to release music that sounds as good as any top producer.
  • Get signed to labels and build a fanbase with tracks that stand out.
  • Create pro-level tracks every time, with a process that takes the guesswork out of mixing.

If you’re tired of feeling stuck, Pro Sound Secrets is the solution that will help you achieve the sound you’ve been chasing—faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

"If you’re on the fence about his training, I 100% recommend it"


There’s no way I would have got to where I’m at right now if I didn’t learn from Bass Kleph. I was at work on my birthday, watching the training in my car, and a year later, I got an email from Insomniac saying I was a finalist in the Discovery Project EDC contest. If you’re on the fence about his training, I 100% recommend it.

- Taylor Jaymin (Brooklyn Fire, Enhanced, Insomniac)


"made it to number 1 on Beatport!"

The first techno EP I released after Bass Kleph’s training made it to number 1 on Beatport! It was so informative! I really grew and learned what the right things are to focus on.


(Mau5trap, IAMT, Affluenza)

"simplified years of learning into minutes"

The training simplified years of learning into minutes… My music is finally flowing and sounding great!

-Dennis De Laat

(Spinnin, Poker Flat)

"just signed a track to Armada!"

I’ve just signed a track to Armada! Your training, feedback, and tips made a big difference right from the initial demo!

-Henry Carlin

(Armada, Doorn, Universal)

What You’ll Achieve


Unlock the Pro Sound of Your Dreams

Finally get your music sounding as good as your favorite producers, with mixes that are tight, balanced, and professional, giving you the confidence to release your tracks to the world.

"I finally started signing tracks on labels"

It’s crazy how much the quality of my music improved since I learned from Bass Kleph, and I finally started signing tracks on labels!


(Black Hole, Showland, Perfecto, Big Fish)


Discover EXACTLY What’s Covered in Pro Sound Secrets:


Pro Sound Secrets includes 19 Modules of comprehensive and detailed training videos designed to walk you through the proven system for achieving professional, release-ready mixdowns using the Pro Sound Pyramid Framework!

This isn’t just another course on “how to mix.” It’s an immersive experience that takes you beyond the basics and equips you with the tools, skills, and confidence to finally master your mixdowns. With direct feedback, real-time group learning, and a step-by-step process, you’ll be able to transform your music and produce mixes that sound professional every time.

Here’s How You’ll Finally Achieve That PRO SOUND In Your Mixdowns:

19 Modules Of Video Training, Including:

Stage 1: Laying the Foundation

1. Unlocking the Path to Sonic Mastery

An introduction to the journey ahead, setting the stage for your progression from beginner to advanced mixdown mastery.

2. The Perfect Sonic Space: Shaping Your Listening Environment

Learn how to create the ideal listening environment, whether using headphones, speakers, or subwoofers. Your setup will shape every decision you make during mixdown.

3. The Bird’s Eye Blueprint: Crafting Your Mixdown Strategy

Gain a 30,000-foot view of the mixdown process with a structured, step-by-step approach. Understand the roadmap before diving into the details and tools that make up a pro mixdown.

4. The Art of Order: Streamlining Your Mixdown Workflow

Discover the secrets to efficient project organization, from track limits to color-coding and file versioning, ensuring your workflow stays clean and focused.

Stage 2: Tools & Techniques for Precision

5. Seeing Sound: Visual Tools for Precision Mixdowns

Unlock the power of meters and analyzers to visually measure and understand your mix. Learn how to use tools like VU meters, spectrograms, and frequency analyzers to make informed sonic decisions.

6. The Compass of Clarity: Guiding Your Mix with References

Use reference tracks as your compass to navigate the mixdown process, ensuring you’re on the right path while avoiding common mistakes.

7. Strategies for a Mixdown That Shines

Sharpen your approach with key strategies to ensure your mix translates across all systems, stays on course, and is powered by the tools you already have.

Stage 3: The Core Mixdown Tools

Stage 4: Mastering & Beyond

18. The Final Frontier: Elevating Your Mix to a Release-Ready Master

The final step in making your track sound polished and professional. Learn the techniques and tools to master your mix and prepare it for release across all platforms.

19. The Producer’s Dictionary: Decoding the Language of Sound

Get familiar with the technical terms and jargon used by professionals. This glossary will demystify audio terminology so you can communicate and understand like a seasoned producer.

"I’ve now got a job where I make money producing music every day"

The confidence I have from learning with Bass Kleph just makes me so much more capable of making bangers, and because of this I’ve now got a job where I make money producing music every day.

-Dan Aux

(Skint, Kitsune, Exceed, Brooklyn Fire, Central Station, Hussle)


Unlock the Secrets to a Pro-Level Sound and Start Releasing Music You’re Proud Of!


Have Doubts? Let’s Clear Them Up.

"Everything sounds better immediately"

What would I do without you? Everything sounds better immediately after your suggestions. My production skills have rocketed since we started working together!

-Marcel Vautier

(Vautic, Emergent Shores, Alter Ego, Sunwaves, Summer Melody)


There Are Two Ways To Get

Pro Sound Secrets:


Founding Member Discount


  • 4x VIP 1-on-1 mentor sessions with Bass Kleph
  • 50+ Hours of Step-by-Step Training
  • Exclusive Weekly Group Coaching w Bass Kleph
  • Full Mixdown Demos in Multiple Genres
  • Private PSS Community Access
  • Progress-Tracking Quizzes
  • Mixdown Cheat Sheets
  • Loads More Bonuses!
Join The Priority Waitlist


Founding Member Discount


  • 50+ Hours of Step-by-Step Training
  • Exclusive Weekly Group Coaching w Bass Kleph
  • Full Mixdown Demos in Multiple Genres
  • Private PSS Community Access
  • Progress-Tracking Quizzes
  • Mixdown Cheat Sheets
  • Loads More Bonuses!
Join The Priority Waitlist

2024 Enrollment Sold Out

Join the priority wailist to be first notified when we open enrollment for the class of 2025. 

90 Day Money Back Guarantee - You Have Nothing to Lose

We’re confident that Pro Sound Secrets will transform your mixdowns, but we understand you want to feel secure in your investment. That’s why we’re offering a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you go through the course and feel it’s not right for you, just let us know within 90 days for a full refund—no questions asked. Learn More


"I’m so f@%n happy to have met you, and you do an outstanding job! "

I’m so excited about learning from you because now I can tweak my mixes right up to the release date if needed. Before, when I’d send it off to a mastering engineer, I’d never be fully happy with what I got back. But now, thanks to what I’ve learned, my mixes are finally at a level where I’m proud of them. It’s incredible to have the control and polish in the mix itself, rather than relying on mastering. Plus, I can now easily create a sample library from my own polished sounds and even use them for live sets, which I couldn’t do before. The clarity of understanding that it’s the mixdown that really matters, not the mastering, is invaluable. Honestly, I’ve got to say, I’m so f@%n happy to have met you, and you do an outstanding job. Thank you!!

- Paul Sanbrook (Automata)


Access to 3 Months of Weekly Group Coaching Calls


Why struggle alone when you can join a group of like-minded producers on the same journey to achieving a pro sound?

#1 Review all the course material on a LIVE call with me, Bass Kleph!

#2 Get answers to your questions in real time from an experienced producer.

#3 Receive personal feedback on your tracks, helping you take your mixdowns to the next level.

#4 Get additional insights and tips, including what’s working in my studio and pro techniques you won’t find elsewhere.

#5 … And more, all while working in a small, focused group of no more than 10 people per call.

90 Days to Put EVERYTHING to the TEST!


I am putting 100% of the RISK on me! You Have Nothing to Lose!

You have exactly 90 days from signup to put Pro Sound Secrets to the test! That’s three whole months to see if we are the right fit!

I can offer this because I believe in my training THAT much! I’m confident that once you take action and dive into everything inside the course, you’ll be on the path to professional-sounding mixdowns.

If at any time, you decide Pro Sound Secrets is not right for you, simply email our support team to get your complete and full refund. All I ask is that you show me you’ve done the work!

Why Do I Ask That You Show Me the Work?

You won’t get results if you don’t take action. I can’t help you if you don’t do the work. I’m committed to helping people who are serious about improving their mixdowns, and I want to make sure that your investment gets you real results.

*See Terms & Conditions for details.

"now my mixes stand up to the pros"

My music has been awesome since training with Bass Kleph, and the mixdown techniques I learned were exactly what I needed to take my tracks to the next level. Before, I was always second-guessing my mixdowns, but now I feel confident knowing my mixes stand up to the pros

-Dylan Engels


PLUS! You’ll Also Receive $14,761 in Additional BONUSES & Resources When You Enroll Today!

1. LIVE COACHING ($8000)

As a member, you’ll receive exclusive access to Bass Kleph during 12x LIVE Group Coaching Calls. Bass Kleph will offer additional content, provide insightful answers to your questions, and give detailed constructive feedback on your songs. These calls offer invaluable lessons and opportunities for breakthroughs… for FREE!


Master Every Genre! See how pros mix across all genres, from house to techno and beyond. Watch real mixdowns in action, tailored to your favorite genre. No need to guess whether these methods work for your music—they’ve been tested and proven across a range of styles, ensuring you can apply them confidently to your own tracks.


Learn by Doing! Put your skills into action with stems from my own tracks. Get hands-on practice by mixing stems from my professionally mixed tracks. With levels tailored to your current skills, you can focus on specific techniques, whether it’s volume balancing, compression, EQ, or all of the above. Compare your mix to mine and see how close you can get!


Step-by Step! Get inside the mind of a pro with deep-dive mixdowns for reference tracks and more.
Follow along as I break down full tracks, showing you each move, decision, and technique in detail. It’s like having me right next to you, walking you through the toughest parts, so you can feel certain you’re on the right track with your own projects.


This combo of a detailed checklist and quick-reference cheat sheets ensures you never miss a step in your mix. The Ultimate Mixdown Checklist provides a clear structure to follow, while the Mixdown Cheat Sheets offer fast insights and time-saving scheduling tips to help you stay organized and efficient. It’s everything you need to mix with confidence and manage your time like a pro.


Discover the ideal reference tracks for your genre. Stop wasting time searching and digging through thousands of potential reference songs for days. I’ve done it for you and handpicked the best ones for each genre. These tracks will serve as your benchmarks, helping you mix with confidence and precision.


Test your skills and track your growth. Sharpen your ear and measure your progress with interactive quizzes designed to reinforce what you’ve learned. From real audio examples that challenge your listening skills to progress checkpoints that ensure you’re absorbing key concepts, these quizzes help you stay on track and continually improve your mixdowns. Whether you’re fine-tuning your ear or confirming your understanding, you’ll see your skills evolve with every step.


Connect and learn with fellow students, with direct input from me! Join a focused community of producers who are all working toward the same goal—better mixes. With direct support from both your peers and me, you’ll stay motivated, get answers faster, and never feel stuck or isolated in your mixdown journey.


Connect and learn with fellow students, with direct input from me! Join a focused community of producers who are all working toward the same goal—better mixes. With direct support from both your peers and me, you’ll stay motivated, get answers faster, and never feel stuck or isolated in your mixdown journey.


Save time with a handpicked selection of the best free plugins available. There are thousands of free plugins out there, but I’ve done the work for you—these are the ones that actually deliver pro-level results. Each comes with a download link, so you can start using them right away.



Founding Member Discount


  • 4x VIP 1-on-1 mentor sessions with Bass Kleph
  • 50+ Hours of Step-by-Step Training
  • Exclusive Weekly Group Coaching w Bass Kleph
  • Full Mixdown Demos in Multiple Genres
  • Private PSS Community Access
  • Progress-Tracking Quizzes
  • Mixdown Cheat Sheets
  • Loads More Bonuses!
Join The Priority Waitlist


Founding Member Discount


  • 50+ Hours of Step-by-Step Training
  • Exclusive Weekly Group Coaching w Bass Kleph
  • Full Mixdown Demos in Multiple Genres
  • Private PSS Community Access
  • Progress-Tracking Quizzes
  • Mixdown Cheat Sheets
  • Loads More Bonuses!
Join The Priority Waitlist

2024 Enrollment Sold Out

Join the priority wailist to be first notified when we open enrollment for the class of 2025. 

Doors Close In...









Join The Community!


Get INSTANT ACCESS to a private community of fellow music producers like yourself who will inspire and support you at every step of your journey!


Build real and lasting connections with like-minded producers who share your passion for music.


Collaborate with others, share your work, and discover potential opportunities for collaboration or feedback.

Get Answers

Got a question? Get the answer you need, when you need it. Our community and weekly calls are designed to provide fast and helpful responses.


Share your tracks and receive real-time feedback from your peers and me, Bass Kleph, to help you level up your mixes.


Never feel alone in your music journey. Whether you’re stuck, need advice, or just need motivation, the community is here to support you.

Once you join our private group, you’ll have access to the power of many minds working together to help you improve your mixdowns. Build relationships, get clarity on your biggest challenges, and stay inspired. Feel stuck or lost? Need help or advice? In this community, no music producer is left behind!

"...I’ve gotten tracks signed, and supported at Ultra, EDC, and Tomorrowland. It feels surreal!"

Bass Kleph has helped me tremendously with my music. I used to get stuck a lot, unable to finish anything. Now, I finish songs faster than I ever thought possible, and I’ve gotten tracks signed to Brooklyn Fire, with support on my tracks at Ultra, EDC, and Tomorrowland. It feels surreal!

-Haus Of Panda (MonsterCat, Musical Freedom, Brooklyn Fire, Brooklyn Fire)


Who Was Pro Sound Secrets Created For?


Pro Sound Secrets was intentionally designed to help music producers master the art of mixing and achieving a professional sound. If you’ve been struggling with mixdowns and want a clear path to create release-ready tracks, this course is for you!

The Aspiring Music Producer

If you’re serious about producing music and are ready to move beyond the trial-and-error phase, this course will give you the tools and confidence to achieve a pro-level sound.

The Producer Looking to Elevate Their Sound

If you’ve been creating music for a while but are frustrated that your mixes still don’t sound as polished as the professionals, Pro Sound Secrets is right for you.

The Producer Wanting to Release Music with Confidence

If you’re ready to start sending your tracks to labels or releasing them independently, this course will show you how to mix professional-sounding tracks that you’re proud to share with the world.

The Musician Looking for a Clear, Repeatable Mixing Process

If you’re tired of guessing your way through the mixdown process and want a proven, repeatable system that works for any genre, this course will provide you with the framework you need to achieve consistent, professional resul.

Learn at Your Pace, Anytime, Anywhere


As music producers, we know how busy life can get. That’s why we’ve made convenience and flexibility a top priority.

  • Instead of overwhelming you with all the content at once, we drip-feed easy-to-follow training over the next four months, ensuring you can absorb and apply each lesson without rushing.
  • Access all the course materials from any device, anywhere you have an internet connection, so you can learn on your own schedule.
  • Plus, you’ll never get locked out! Enjoy LIFETIME access to all the training materials and future updates, so you can revisit the course whenever you need.

Unlock the Secrets to a Pro-Level Sound and Start Releasing Music You’re Proud Of!


"...I found the secret ingredient!"

I just signed 4 songs with Blanco Y Negro Music! I think I found the secret ingredient with Bass Kleph's training! 😃

-Amulek (Blanco Y Negro)



Have a question before enrolling in Pro Sound Secrets? Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question here, feel free to reach out to our support team, and we’ll be happy to assist you!

Ready to Unlock Your Pro Sound?

This is your chance to transform your tracks and finally achieve that professional, polished mix you’ve been chasing. Don’t wait—Pro Sound Secrets won’t be available again until 2025, and next time, the price will double.

You’re getting 50% off and access to founding member bonuses, including personalized support, exclusive templates, and a lifetime guarantee on updates.

Plus, with our 90-day money-back guarantee, there’s zero risk. The only regret you’ll have is missing this opportunity!

Doors Close In...









The clock is ticking. Enroll now and start your journey toward release-ready tracks today!



Founding Member Discount


  • 4x VIP 1-on-1 mentor sessions with Bass Kleph
  • 50+ Hours of Step-by-Step Training
  • Exclusive Weekly Group Coaching w Bass Kleph
  • Full Mixdown Demos in Multiple Genres
  • Private PSS Community Access
  • Progress-Tracking Quizzes
  • Mixdown Cheat Sheets
  • Loads More Bonuses!
Join The Priority Waitlist


Founding Member Discount


  • 50+ Hours of Step-by-Step Training
  • Exclusive Weekly Group Coaching w Bass Kleph
  • Full Mixdown Demos in Multiple Genres
  • Private PSS Community Access
  • Progress-Tracking Quizzes
  • Mixdown Cheat Sheets
  • Loads More Bonuses!
Join The Priority Waitlist

2024 Enrollment Sold Out

Join the priority wailist to be first notified when we open enrollment for the class of 2025. 

I have no doubt that once you begin Pro Sound Secrets, you’ll quickly realize this is a top-quality course. And just to back it up, I’m putting my “money where my mouth is” with a full 90-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

90 Day Money Back Guarantee

We stand by our course. I want you to experience ZERO RISK when investing in Pro Sound Secrets, and that’s why I offer a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. If you decide this course is not right for you within 90 days, simply contact us for a full refund.

Need Support?

Simply email our Support Team at [email protected]
We’re here to help with any questions or assistance you need. Whether it’s about your course access or anything else, feel free to reach out anytime!