Are you ready to finally unlock the Pro Sound of your dreams?

coming in October 2024


Unlock the Pro Sound of your dreams, so you can attract labels, fans, and release your music with confidence.

Discover the Secrets to Sonic Excellence in my new advanced Mixdown course Pro Sound Secrets.

Become a founding member, and receive LIVE weekly training, LIVE feedback and a one time only founding member VIP discount!

Places are limited to 10 students only as I want to guarantee you get quality time and help from me personally in our Live calls.

Register now to be FIRST notified when we open the doors to Pro Sound Secrets. 

Join the priority list HERE!

See Why So Many Of Our Students Are Calling Our Training

The Best They Have Ever Done!

Shadow Star

"The first techno EP I released after the training made it to number 1 on Beatport! It was so informative! I really grew and learned what the right things are to focus on"

Sonic Snares

"Bass Kleph has shown me tricks that absolutely make the difference between a good producer and a great one! This is the best training program I've ever attended!"

Haus Of Panda

"After learning from Bass Kleph I got signed to Brooklyn Fire and got support on my tracks at Ultra, EDC, and Tomorrowland! It feels surreal!"


"It's crazy how much the quality of my music improved since I learned from Bass Kleph, and I finally started signing tracks on labels!"

Get ready to achieve the same sonic results as your favorite top producers!

Stop Struggling with your Mixes: Learn to Get the Pro Sound You Desire

Register now to be FIRST notified when we open the doors to Pro Sound Secrets.

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